Hi guys, just a quick one today. My bestest buddy (god curse him) has seeded me with an idea... one that is as foul as it is perfidious in the extreme. It will take what was already a large project and shove it up somewhere to the nth degree.
So what is this concept you ask? Samurai Skaven. A whole army of little rats done up to look like feudal Japanese warriors, Clanrats as Ashiguru Yari spearmen, Slaves as peasants and Stormvermin as elite Samurai infantry.
go check out , http://www.jeffdeboer.com/ |
So heres the crux of the matter, Im either looking at moulding some 220 odd mini helmets and associated parts or I could buy them from where ever is good and adapt them. If anyone out there in Hobby Land knows of good Samurai parts or has any ideas for goodness sake let me know!!!!! I implore you, Save my Sanity...
on a side note the Skaven Samurai project already has Girlfriend approval, even after I explained the work involved... Her answer was "Cool!"
*The armour shown in these photos was created by Canadian artist Jeff de Boer,the guy is a genius!
Micro art studios makes "skaven" ashigaru heads:
Can get them via TheWarstore too. I don't know if they plan on Samurai heads, but they might respond to an inquiry...
Should be able to get tons of plastic Samurai stuff in 1/72, but it would be too small. Could be a useful source for back banners and the like though.
Rat Ogre Oni would be neat too, and of course the assassins are ninjas already.
Since a number of the armor masks are scary faces, you might be able to use the gargoyle heads from the CSM vehicle sprues for the "snouts" of the samurai and just have to worry about the rest of the helmet.
Good luck!
Hey thanks Sons, Yeah I found micro art studios ashiguru heads, Which does help but the dome hats are going to be one of the easier conversions to do. The back banner are a big one too. Rat ogre Oni, now that I hadnt thought of... the Eshin ninjas bespoke themselves and if you look at the whole skaven range they almost have the Samurai look already. As for CSM vehicle sprues I have heaps of those, great idea man!