Sunday, December 29, 2013

Gettysburg Day 2

So I wans't feeling the best and so missed the cricket in the heat and headed down to Peters for the 2nd round of Gettysburg.

This time it was focused on day 2 with a massive game rather than 3 linked scenrio's.

Its what war-gaming is all about - hundreds even thousands of figures - and lots of good company and good humor (well for the most part but ill get to that!).

Saturday, December 21, 2013

Gettysburg Part 1

Today was Gettysburg day part 1.

Fantastic fun- the scenario was to play 3 scenario's that then fed into pickets charge.  East Cavalry Field- Culps Hill and the round top. Rules used where Black Powder the perfect rules for multi-player games.

8 Players - lots of red wine and an awful lot of fun.  The Union blue bellies won the day with pickets charge being over in 30 minutes as overwhelming union forces destroyed the advancing brigades.

There are plans to re-run the game next Saturday focusing just on day 2 as a massive single game.

Monday, December 9, 2013

Space Wolves Heresy Era Rhino's

In amongst all the historical stuff i have been working on i am slowly picking away at my space wolf heresy army -  Im just waiting now for the Prospero book to be released (believe it will be late next year) and then i can dive into all the awesome wolfy stuff forgeworld will release.

In the meantime i did complete some Rhino's and here are two of them with weathering and pack markings.

Im really happy with how they came out and have two more to complete as well as a Spartan Assault tank and a Typhon heavy siege tank.

Im delaying working on the infantry till I have some solid information on park and pauldron marking from FW.  But all 4 veteran squads are built and have the same pale grey as the tanks.

The army has really now entered in the holding pattern. 

Saturday, December 7, 2013

Vikings Part 6

Bit of a short collection update here -  added some skirmishers and I do have another 12 on the painting table to complete as well.

Sunday, December 1, 2013

The English Civil Wars - Part 1 - A Very Uncivil War.

The English Civil Wars 1640- 1660

When I decided that I wanted to build a collection of toy soldiers for this period,  initially I was put off. This was back in 2007 and as usual when I begin to build up a knowledge base about a period im interested in I bought a bunch of books about the war.

And as is the case I got some heavy text to get into the social and political environment.

Starting with "Civil War" the Wars of the three Kingdoms: 1638 -1660" by Trvor Royale, I then read "The Great Civil War" by Alfred H. Burne and Peter Young and quickly added to the list "Old Ironsides: The military Biography of Oliver Cromwell" by Franl Kitson.

So Far I had waded through the politics of the period,  got an insight into how the long drawn out and destructive wars in Europe (Thirty Years Wars) had up to that point not impacted on the three kingdoms and reaslised that the Cromwell did not look as good as Richard Harris and that Charles was not the spitting image of Alec Guinness and that as usual Hollywood made some dramatic changes - well in fact aside from the names of the characters it was pretty much off on allot of things.